Butterfly pea flower

The flowers of the butterfly pea turn a beautiful blue when you pour boiling water over them. If you then add a little acidity, such as from a lemon or lime, the color changes to a stunning magenta. The taste is a bit difficult to describe—slightly herbal, somewhat vegetal, with a hint that reminds one of spinach.

For those in the hospitality industry, perhaps an idea for a refreshing iced tea? Add a nice syrup, a slice of lemon on the side? We’re going to experiment ourselves!

This flower is also known as Butterfly Pea Flower, Kittelbloem, Blue Tea, or Blue Chai. The botanical name is Clitoria ternatea.

Butterfly Pea Flower.

Brewing Advice: Use about 5 flowers per cup or 20 flowers per pot (glassware is, of course, the most fun), and pour boiling water over them.

Due to current legislation we are limited in providing information about the application of herbs. If you are currently taking any medicines, do not stop taking them or replace them without first consulting a doctor. It is also wise to be well informed in the event of serious conditions, pregnancy, nursing or small children.


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